I’m Vito Michienzi.
I’m a teacher and compulsive thinker.
This is my blog, which used to house over 1800 posts. One day I might bring them all back, but until then, I write here often.
At the age of eight, for some unknown reason, I was in tears over the thought of my own death. To this day, I have no clue where it came from or why it happened, but I didn’t know how to deal with it.
Four years later one of my friends suddenly died.
This was the beginning of an existential crisis that would persist to this day.
It was also the start of a free-spirited attitude that would take me from the computer field to teaching religious studies, with stops along the way as a missionary and professional magician.
However, rather than getting real help, writing became the conduit into which I poured my self-therapy.
I’ve been writing, and writing online, since the late 90s in various forms (most of it pretty poorly). During the big blog rush of 2008, I joined those communities to up my game, only to discover a few years later it was nothing more than a syndicate of marketing hucksters all trying to emulate each other. Unfortunately, I fell prey to smooth copywriting, learned my lesson, and haven’t looked back.
For that reason, you will never see attempts to monetize this site. Ever.
This site is my workbench where I explore the existential depths of my thoughts. Raw. Unadulterated. Along the way, I sometimes write books and long-form essays.
I’m currently a high school teacher and strive to give my students more hope at the end of the day then when they came. I’ve written curriculum, spoken at conferences and collaborated with others to re-write courses in a way that will resonate and challenge our young people.
At the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, a good friend of mine and I started the Unapologists Podcast, bringing in educators from around the world to share what they’re unapologetic about in their practice.
Back in 2004, I co-wrote on a site called “Tommy|Zor,” which would briefly hit the top 30,000 websites on the Internet. It was also the launchpad of my first book, “How to Slack Your Way to Success.”
My top five strengths according to the Gallup Strengths Finder are Input, Learner, Intellection, Futuristic, Positivity. In other words, I spend most of my time stuck in my head while musing about the big questions of life while always striving to learn more about everything.
Most days, though, I just peel back the layers of life while enjoying as much of it as I can.