Time to Start Again

In 2015, I started vitomichienzi.com after writing for several other sites in an attempt to make one home for all my work.

After ten years and 1800 posts, the worst happened: the site went down, completely.

I’m still not completely sure what happened, but after having issues with my web host for the last few years, I made the decision to transfer the domain to another host. And while I have a backup of all my posts, their online presence is gone and to recover them in a new place is a challenge I’m not ready to tackle.

This has led me to really face a pressing question on whether I should continue writing online or not. My humble beginnings of doing so date back to the early 2000s and have gone through several reiterations and rebirths.

Mind you, the early days were very much ego driven in an effort to be “discovered” (the path/dream you’re “supposed” to take as a writer). As time went on, it became an effort to improve, but also an observation of my own thinking.

When I discovered people were actually reading, sharing and discussing my posts, I recognized a greater good could be had.

This is my dilemma.

Writing will always be a big part of who I am, but this latest crash may be a sign that it might be time to move on… or that it’s time to transform it once again. I don’t know.

My site has been a solo endeavour and paid for as a labour of love. I’ve never asked for donations, nor have I ever attempted to monetize what I’ve offered freely. I never intend to as I don’t want my creative output to be dictated by monetary gain, which, in my observation, hinders its purpose.

For me, the real value is the attention you have given to my sporadic, and sometimes nonsensical, musings. I can’t say enough how much I’ve appreciated your responses to my work—especially when my focus has dramatically shifted over the decade.

Hence, I’ve decided to do the following:

I purchased the domain vitos.blog (upon which this is being written right now) and will use that as my new workbench. In addition to being more focused, it also has a much easier website name to remember.

vitomichienzi.com still exists, but will redirect to the above website. However, it will still be my main contact email and you can still email me there as it’s back online.

Finally, after writing for twenty years online, I’ve decided this will be my last hurrah. However long this lasts will be it.

Do I have it in me to go another ten years? Probably.

Do I know enough when it’s time to gracefully bow out? Yes, I do.

We start again.

Post 1.